Sickness or activity compensation and work-related injuries

If your illness means that you receive sickness or activity compensation from the Social Insurance Office, you will receive an ITP disability pension from us. Your disability pension will change or cease if your illness or injury is classed as a work-related injury.

If you are unable to work full-time for at least a year due to an illness or injury, you can receive compensation from the Social Insurance Office. The compensation is called sickness or activity compensation. ITP disability pension complements the compensation you receive from the Social Insurance Office.

The amount of disability pension you will receive

How much disability pension you receive and for how long is linked to your salary and what the Social Insurance Office pays.

This table shows you how much you will receive for full-time sickness or activity compensation from the Social Insurance Office. If you are on part-time sick leave you will receive a percentage of this amount, for example, for 50% sick leave you will receive half of this amount.


Your annual income Disability pension
Up to SEK 441,000  15 %
Portion of salary between SEK 441,000 and SEK 1,612,000  65 %
Portion of salary between SEK 1,612,000 and SEK 2,418,000  32,5 %
Portion of salary higher then SEK 2,418,000 -

If you are working at the same time as receiving sickness compensation

Your disability pension may be lower if you are working at the same time as receiving sickness compensation from the Social Insurance Office.

  • You disability pension will decrease if what’s known as a continuous deduction (steglös avräkning) is calculated by the Social Insurance Office and you also maintain your right to sickness compensation.
  • Your disability pension will decrease if you receive dormant sickness compensation from the Social Insurance Office. You are entitled to keep 25% of your disability pension from Alecta.

Send us the Social Insurance Office’s decision so we can examine if and how your disability pension is impacted by continuous deduction or dormant sickness compensation. If we have paid too much disability pension, you will need to pay back the excess amount you received from us.

If you suffer a work-related injury

Your disability pension from Alecta changes or ceases if you receive sickness or activity compensation from the Social Insurance Office and have an injury which is classed as a work-related injury.

A work-related injury decision means that the Social Insurance Office and AFA Insurance will compensate your loss of income on salaries up to SEK 604,500. Consequently, your disability pension from us will decrease or cease altogether.

Send us the Social Insurance Office’s decision of a work-related injury to us and we will investigate to see if your disability pension is impacted.

If you receive retroactive compensation for a work-related injury, you may need to pay disability pension back to us.


Compensation for illness