Premium reductions for Alecta’s corporate customers of SEK 7.7 billion
Alecta’s board of directors has decided to hedge defined benefit pensions by 2.51 percent, to introduce a premium reduction for defined benefit retirement and family pensions by 30 percent in relation to the current premium level, and to continue to provide premium reductions for the risk insurance.
Due to Alecta’s strong financial position, the board has in accordance with Alecta’s consolidation policy decided to introduce a premium reduction for the year 2022 of 30 percent for defined benefit retirement- and family pension in relation to the current premium level.
— It is very gratifying that our efforts to strengthen Alecta’s financial position in the long term have been successful. Alectas consolidation level on September 30 was 169 percent and thus exceeds by margin the 150 percent level that according to Alecta’s consolidation policy is required to be able to provide premium reductions, says Fredrik Palm, Product Manager at Alecta.
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